Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The great disaster recovery/business continuity project at work continues to churn through time as though Chinese children are producing time knock-offs in a factory somewhere for the equivalent of $1 per day.
In addition to the actual work, there are often meetings about the work and paperwork about the work and informal hallway interceptions about the work. I haven't figured out the way to combine those things with the actual work, but if I ever do there is a factory job in Xian-Po with my name on it.
At last, I'll be bringing the conflict to General Tso. The guy (and his chicken) has a powerful away game, but we'll see how he likes it on his own turf where he is unable to make use of his scorched earth tactics.
More importantly, Marvel's Civil War story arc finally completed last week.
The end was surprising, but only because it seemed so sudden. There were about 50 issues of build up followed by a stunning end in the last four pages.
I know it kind of has to play out like that, but it seemed rushed and almost too tidy in the way season finales do when the cast and crew don't know if they have been picked up for another season.
By way of spoilers, I'll just say that Batman rules.
I promised myself I'd read them all, but now that Civil War is over I'm not sure what might fill the void. I've still got DC's 52 series, but even that is over in the next couple of months and the last issue was odd in that it was actually a pretty good read.
Summer movie season may be my only hope, though putting faith in the entertainment industry is a lot like building a giant Lego space station on a bed of Velveeta in a warm room. The sinking feeling precedes a total breakdown, but just barely.
While I'd like to be all about original ideas, I have to admit I'm most interested in things coming out this summer which are the original titles followed by numbers, especially stylized metallic-looking numbers. No Roman numerals, though. That would be entirely too Reagan Era.
In the end, the most important thing (aside from ninja count and it is very difficult to ever truly get an accurate ninja count) is always the amount and quality of explosions.
I think I saw an article online a while back (having almost totally given up the paper habit) about a special effects advance which allows CGI creations to actually work on the animations themselves. Of course, the CGI actors never need rest and have no union (yet), so the need for actual flesh and blood animators is limited to fetching CGI coffee for their new digital overlords.
Also, they are now embedding CGI organs into real live actors under all the costume and skin. It is subtle, I'll admit, but you can almost tell that Tibby's liver is "computer enhanced" in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. As I'm nowhere near too proud to admit, I cried like a little girl during Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I suspect anyone that didn't has already been implanted with a CGI heart of their own, probably one cranked out in a factory in Xian-Po by CGI children working for $1 per day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG - my witty response was consumed by the Blogger.