Thursday, March 09, 2006

WOO HOO!!! Casual jeans Friday!

How sad that that is a holiday for me!

I try to spice it up a little by going commando, as well. Takes the edge off.

Unfortunately, some sales person scheduled me in a client meeting this morning, so no Friday jeans for me. :(
That actually emotionally invalidates the whole week. Why was I here if not for the privilege of wearing jeans on Friday?

Lately I've been practicing some stress relief techniques at work. Hating everyone all the time builds up in the lymph system. Bad feelings are toxic, people.

Last week I turned in a project status report (Don't get me started on these things! They happen when management has lost track of what everyone is doing. Most of the time the only reason they care is that they want to pile more work on you. No, thanks! I'm fine!) with an illustration of a kitten in a basket of flowers, as seen above.

The really funny part is that for the longest time . . . No one asked why the picture of a kitten was crammed in the middle of a technical document.

When I did finally get the question. "Where does the kitten fit into your project list?" the answer was a knowing, "The kitten's name is 'Patches.'"

The other semi-awesome thing I've been doing is replying to emails from co-workers with "UNSUBSCRIBE" and "REMOVE ME FROM THIS LIST". They act mad, but secretly I think they think it is funny. Not 'kitten picture' funny probably, but still pretty funny. That is the kind of gag that just gets better with repetition.

For months now I've been threatening management and salespeople with blogging their requests. Since I actually started following through on the threats they are much much sweeter.
Oh yeah. And I once sent a meeting request to a co-worker with a location of "South Stairwell" and a meeting time of "Right after I finish filling this sock with dimes."

My concerns with these tactics all center around the inevitable escalation. What is funny enough today will just not cut it in the future. Other than changing jobs every few months, pretty much my only recourse is to continue stepping it up. Eventually I'll be the guy in the meeting with the softly buzzing Tazer, just waiting for a stupid idea to get voiced.

Until then, I'm content to be the guy who vents slowly and deliberately. And cats in flowers are always cool.

You go, Patches!

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