Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Ah, the training class . . . .
Until this week I'd never experienced one. Officially, I still haven't.
My company threatened to cancel our monitoring solution unless HP gave our new administrator some free training classes, since no one had any experience with the product at all.
In order to maximize the value, they chose the two highest level advanced classes to ensure the administrator would know the coolest stuff. Screw the basics, right?
So the new admin was shipped off to DC for a week of classroom time for the first class.
The second class is an online class, so I've been asked to sit in on it. I can't officially participate, or even really let them know I can see the stuff, but I can log in and follow along.
The online class is pretty cool, really. You can see the names of the other students on the left (and their online status) while the instructor goes through the material. You can even highlight while he talks.
There is a chat function for questions and the whole thing is teleconferenced anyway.
I was having fun with the "Right Click > Send File" function and this file:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Since I'm logged in as the other admin anyway, I'm also free to pollute the chat with stuff like "OMG! WTF!? D1d j00 h3@r th@? Wh@+ @ n00b!!! LOL!!!!11!"
Now, I'm pretty fairly lost in class. I've never seen half this crap and also don't care. If I ever find myself as the sole admin of this product I'll know I accepted the wrong job offer again.
While I have managed to learn a bit about the product being taught, I've come realize something else as well.
At the slightest glimmer of being uncomfortable or out of my element I instantly revert to my 10th grade class clown persona. What is so terribly broken about me that I actually subconsciously transform into a public jackass? Fortunately for me, I'm not concerned enough to spend much time on self-reflection. Well, unless you count blogging.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Since you're logged in as another coworker, also type in things like:

"So ... what are you wearing?"

I find it makes for a very communal environment and encourages everyone to engage in appropriate and effective self-disclosure.

But then again, my students flip out and are seeking justice ... so what do I know.

Best regards,
