Monday, May 08, 2006

I took another vacation day today. I call them "Workplace Violence Postponement" days. It sounds happier, I think.
While reading free comics from Saturday, I multitasked by proactively lounging in my t-shirt and pajama pants for most of the morning, then took a meeting with my car on a nice drive nowhere near my office.
Thinking outside the box, as has oddly become a popular way of thinking, I screened the hell out of all calls and avoided even casual emails. My apologies if you were collaterally screened.
Afternoon found me enjoying a salad in a seedy office building cafeteria - most importantly not my office building. I also purchased a venti Komodo blend coffee. Mmmmmm. Starbuxitol.
Tonight I may watch a movie with the family and get take out. Or I may take a nap. Either way, my stress level is lowering. I haven't maliciously locked a salesperson's account in almost four days, either.
While it is still too early to say authoritatively, and the study has been far from scientific, I'm confident in saying that the way to avoid work-related stress is to just not go. I don't know why more people don't try it.

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