Saturday, October 07, 2006

Usually I try to keep this place on the internet light-hearted and fun, but today I must share one of the most tragic stories I've run across in years.
You see, Arthur (beloved children's program cartoon character and proponent of reading and doing things for the right reasons) is having his identity taken from him. Forced to hide his rodent nature, Arthur is a victim singled out simply for his species.
The conspiracy is wide-spread. Some of the official Arthur webpages have been hacked and defaced, racial slurs scrawled across the title calling Arthur the hamster "Aardvark" and advising readers (mostly teachers) on the methods of "using" Arthur in the classroom -- with no regard to his feelings at all.
I know he is a cartoon, but I still feel for the little guy. Some meth-head freaks on Wikipedia even psycho-edited Arthur's listing as some kind of sick joke.
I submit as evidence a picture of Arthur in a hamster wheel:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

For further evidence, look at the many subtle differences between the hamster above and this aardvark:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
And then, I discovered this re-writing of Arthur's species has stretched inside the very walls of my home. My own beloved spouse is buying into the pro-aardvark hype.
I can re-edit and correct the Wikipedia entry all day, but I need everyone to please head over to Shana's delusional challenge to set the record straight.
Arthur = hamster.


Pamela Moore said...

Arthur = hamster
hamster = w00+ that dies after two years and is replaced with a reasonable likeness, sometimes followed by lies that it's still the original

Joe said...

Garrick's argument = -(w00+)

Your determination to utilize the fallacy of hasty generalization demonstrates a deeper, darker undercurrent which I cannot, nor will not, support.

A nose does not an aardvark make ...

Speciesism is never pretty ... even within the context of a pr3++yg33kyth1ng.