Monday, April 24, 2006

Julius Caesar Act 3, Scene 2

- Fr13nd5, R0m@nz, c0u|\|+rym3n, l3nd m3 y0uR 3@rz;
! c0m3 2 13uRy C@3s@r, n0+ 2 pr@1$3 h1m.
Teh 3v1l th@t m3n d0 l1v3z @ft3r th3m;
Teh gO0d 1z ()f+ !nt3rr3d w1+h th31r b()n3s;
$o l3t 1t b3 w1+h C@3s@r. Teh n0bl3 Bru+u5
H@+h t0ld y0u C@3s@r w@s @mb1t1()u$:
!f !t w3r3 s(), !t w@s @ gr!3\/ou5 f@u1t,
& gr!3\/ou5ly h@+h C@3s@r @n5w3r'd !t.
H3r3, und3r l3@v3 ()f Bru+u5 & teh r35+-
4 13ru+u5 1z @n h()n()ur@bl3 m@n;
S0 R th3y @ll, @ll h0n0ur@bl3 m3n--
C()m3 ! 2 sp3@k !n C@3s@r's fun3r@l.
H3 w@s my fr13nd, f@1+hful & ju5t 2 m3:
Bu+ Bru+u5 5ay$ h3 wa$ @mb1t1ou5;
& 13ru+u5 1s @n h()n0ur@bl3 m@n.
H3 h@th br0u6h+ m@ny c@pt1v3s h()m3 2 R()m3
Wh053 r@ns()m5 d!d teh g3n3r@l c()ff3r5 f!ll:
D!d th!s !n C@3s@r s33m amb1t1()us?
Wh3n th@t teh p()()r h@v3 cr13d, C@3s@r h@+h w3pt:
Amb1t1()n sh()uld B m@d3 0f st3rn3r s+uff:
Y3+ Bru+u5 5@y5 h3 w@z amb!t!ou$;
& Bru+u5 1z @n h()n()ur@bl3 m@n.
Y0u @ll d1d s33 th@t ()n t3h Lup3rc@l
! thr1c3 pr3s3nt3d h1m @ k!n6ly cr()wn,
Wh1ch h3 d!d thr1c3 r3fu$3: w@z th1z @mb1+1()n?
Y3t Bru+u5 5ay5 h3 wa$ @mb1+1ou5;
&, 5ur3, h3 !s @n h()n()ur@bl3 m@n.
I sp3@k n()t 2 d1spr()\/3 wh@+ 13ru+u5 $pok3,
13u+ h3r3 ! @m 2 sp3@k wh@+ ! d0 kn0\/\/.
U @ll d!d l()\/e h!m ()nc3, n0t w1+#ou+ c@u5e:
Wh@+ c@u53 w1+hh()ld5 U th3n, 2 m0urn 4 h!m?
() jud6m3nt! th0u ar+ fl3d 2 bru+ish b3@st$,
& m3n h@v3 l0s+ th31r r3@s()n. B3@r w1th m3;
My h3@rt 1z 1n teh coff1n th3r3 w1th C@3s@r,
& 1 mu5t p@u5e t1ll 1t (()m3 b@(k 2 m3.

W#y (@n'+ ! qu!+ U, (3@$@r?!?!


Darrell Davis said...

Julius Caesar/ brockback style baby!

Garrick said...

@nD #3 w#0 R3@dz 2 t3h 3nD 63+z teh J()|<3!

Darrell Davis said...

O' Sh*+ I love that pik!
You and me sexy!