Wednesday, June 07, 2006

CokeRewards progress - 438/850 - The vending machine at jury duty was loaded with 20oz bottles and Michelle (who is @w3s0m3) donated 10 points so I'm over half way!
Also, I'm starting to fear that my sudden lower back pain is related to kidney damage and not extreme sports.
Jury duty was approximately 40% more awesome than I was lead to believe. First, I paid $11 for parking, then walked a block and a half to sit in a huge auditorium for about an hour. Eight tax-payer purchased televisions cycled through a PowerPoint presentation outlining the reasons why I might be able to skip out. Since I'm a resident of Harris county and between the ages of 18 and 70, I was told I could pretty much just get comfortable. I was told this in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Over and over and over.
I filled out the bottom half of my invitation. I dutifully passed it to the right.
Candidates 1343-1554 were called to the left aisle for a line up. This was thirty people. They were pretty quickly marched off. I never saw them again.
Numbers 1556-1638 were identified next and told to sit in the center of the room in the first five rows. I was Juror #1637.
After the last two stragglers (two people who didn't know their numbers were between 1556 and 1638 - my PEERS!?!?!) were added to our clump, everyone else was dismissed.
A uniformed officer of the court (stun gun and everything) announced that the rest of us could watch Foxnews.
Someone in the back asked if we could watch anything else.
The reply? "No."
I read my book. I stretched my legs. I drank a lot of Diet Coke.
I watched Foxnews. Wooo.
The guy with the uniform was getting a Sprite when I got my last Diet Coke. I told him that I felt very qualified to be a juror.
As his hand drifted towards the Tazer I told him that I read a lot of comic books. If there is one thing I know, that thing is justice.
I think he was very impressed.
Either way, I was dismissed at 3pm.
The judicial system is a very ponderous thing.

1 comment:

Pamela Moore said...

If I ever get called in, I'll have to try that. Or I'll act like I have Tourette's. Turds.