Monday, August 07, 2006

We made some stops on the way back.
After listening to me complain the whole way up about never getting to go to a cave, Shana veered off the road and entered a state park. By some strange coincidence, this is the very same state park her family camped at every summer while she was growing up. Needless to say, she knew where the caves were.
After daring each other to hike the mile and a half into the mountains, we jumped out at the same time. Gwynyth was pretty horrified but ended up hiking the whole thing in her pajamas.
Here I am with some mountains and caves in the background:
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You can probably tell I'm stunned.
I saw some caves. The official Devil's Den cave was cool, but the "Devil's Ice Box" cave actually blows cold air through some natural process I don't understand. I thought it was awesome, even having hiked there in backless shoes.
In another unplanned stop yesterday, we stumbled across the Russell Stover chocolate factory and the associated factory outlet.
We have enjoyed the sugar-free stuff they produce for years and this was a great chance to pick up pounds of it for next to nothing.
Of course, some of it is nearly expired probably, and the labels are written in Spanish sometimes.
I don't know what this means . . .
"Este producto puede causar diarreas pasajeras y flatulencia."
. . . But it sounds delicious, doesn't it?
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Ok. I've got about a hundred emails with little red exclamation points next to them. Before I get to those, I need to fill out my "Employee Satisfaction Survey". Anyone who has read along this far will know how that might look when I'm finished. Hey, it is computer based. I'll have some fun with that.

1 comment:

Darrell Davis said...

I so wish for a copy of that survey, you should Really post that in the next blog!